VeriTX® Corporation Awarded $2 Million United States Air Force Contract to Create Secure Digital Fabric
BUFFALO, N.Y., Sept. 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- VeriTX® Corp., a trusted digital supply chain solutions provider, has been awarded a United States Air...
Bytes & pieces: Corporate Deals, Funding Rounds and a Jacobs Institute Update
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Data: The Dark (and Light) Side of Additive Manufacturing: AM Radio Podcast #41

Where Blockchain and 3D Printing Converge, Distributed Manufacturing Can Thrive

A medical device built over Zoom could help solve ventilator shortages and change the way hospitals treat respiratory illnesses beyond the coronavirus

Platform Backed by Blockchain Provides Data Assurance for Additive Manufacturing
Brand Manual & Guidelines 2023
Brand Guidelines for VeriTX to represent our identity and give a consistent visual look.